Acupuncture treats health conditions by stimulationg
"acu-points" found at specific locations on the surface of the body. Acupuncture stimulates the acu-points by inserting very thin needles through the skin to produce physiological effects. The general theory of acupuncture is that proper physiological function and health depends on the circulation of nutrients, substances and energy called Qi through a network of "channels" or "meridians." This network connects every organ and part of the body, providing balance, regulation and coordination of physiological processes. Stimulation of the appropriate acu-points through acupuncture treatments helps to restore the sufficient, continuous and even flow of Qi and other nutrients throughout the body. This thereby helps restore health and balance to the body, while relieving pain and other symptoms. ※Please note that we can not verify your insurance coverage for Acupuncture.
Please call your insurance company and ask for your Out - of - Network Acupuncture coverage. |
ServiceServices include detox, balance, circulation,diet, allergy, and women's health.
The following are the symptoms confirmed by WHO.
[Nervous system disease] Neuralgia, nerve paralysis, convulsions, stroke sequelae, autonomic imbalance, headache, dizziness, insomnia, neurosis, neurosis, hysteria [Motor system diseases] Sequelae of arthritis, rheumatism, Keikataude syndrome, cervical sprain sequelae, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, back pain, trauma [Cardiovascular disease] Heart neurosis, arteriosclerosis, hypertension hypotension, palpitations, shortness of breath [Respiratory disease] Bronchitis, asthma, colds and prevention [Digestive system disease] Gastrointestinal disease (gastritis, dyspepsia, gastroptosis, acid indigestion, diarrhea, constipation), cholecystitis, liver dysfunction, hepatitis, gastroduodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids [Metabolism internal division secret system diseases] Basedow's disease, diabetes, gout, beriberi, anemia [Reproductive, urinary system diseases] Cystitis, urethritis, sexual dysfunction, urinary retention, nephritis, prostate hypertrophy, impotence [Gynecological diseases] Menopause, mastitis, vaginal discharge, menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, poor circulation, Chinomichi-infertility [ENT diseases] Otitis media, tinnitus, hearing loss, Meniere's disease, nose bleeding Bien district sac-throat head flame-tonsillitis [Ophthalmic disease] Eyestrain casei myopia, conjunctivitis, tired eyes, blurred vision, stye [Pediatric disease] Childhood neurosis (crying at night, Kanmushi, surprise night, indigestion, unbalanced diet, loss of appetite, insomnia) Pediatric asthma, allergic eczema, mumps, nocturnal enuresis and improvement of weak constitution |
Service FeeInitial visit (60~80min)
2nd visit and on: $70 (45min~60min)